Kate’s Philadelphia Frenzy Page 11
His eyes grew wide with excitement. “Really? Show me how it works.”
She did just that and Biscuit began to jump up and down, trying to get in on the fun. He went Yap, yap, yap! as she moved her arms this way and that way.
Tony watched with an expression of awe. “That’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. And now that the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation has asked me to continue working as a spokesperson, I’m in a great position to help you get the news out on this.”
“I’m hoping to get it patented soon,” Kate’s dad explained.
“I’m sure you will!” Tony nodded. “It’s going to help so many people!”
“I’m so glad everyone has figured out what a great guy my dad is,” Andrew said. “It was really hard to hear the mean things people were saying, especially when I knew none of them were true! That James Kenner needs to go to jail for a long, long time!”
“God will handle all of that,” Tony said. “I’ve already prayed and forgiven James Kenner. What he did was wrong, but I have to forgive him anyway.”
Kate sighed. What a good man Tony Smith was! And now everyone would know it!
They all spent a little more time looking at Robo-Brace and some of her father’s other inventions, and then the adults went back upstairs to have some coffee. That left Kate, Sydney, and Andrew in the basement alone.
“I really wonder why James Kenner decided to use such a mean way to pick on your dad,” Sydney said. “Those rumors he started could’ve ruined his career.”
“I know,” Andrew said. “But the police explained it to us. James Kenner said that rumors were what ruined his brother’s chances to get in the pros, and he wanted the same thing to happen to the man who took his place.”
“Wow! See what happens when rumors get started?” Kate said. She paused a moment then thought of something. “Oh! Our rumor box! It’s still upstairs with those two rumors in it. What do we do with it?”
“Hmm.” Andrew shook his head. “I don’t know.”
“Well, all of that stuff about Tony not liking to play for the Phillies was definitely a rumor,” Sydney said. “So it can stay in the box. But I think I’d better take out the one about Kate Oliver being the smartest girl in the world—especially now! That’s no rumor. It’s the truth!”
Kate laughed. “Trust me, that one’s not true either. I’m sure there are millions of smarter people than me. But as long as we’re starting good rumors, how about I start one about you?”
“Me?” Sydney shrugged. “What sort of rumor?”
“Well…” Kate thought about it for a minute. “I think you know more about sports than any other girl. And even though you always try to win whatever game you’re playing, you’re always nice to others. You play fair. And you work hard to be the best you can be!”
“That’s not a rumor either.” Andrew laughed. “That’s just the plain, simple truth.”
Kate thought about that for a moment. “I guess you’re right. Maybe we don’t need a rumor box at all. Maybe God just wants to remind us to be really careful every time we hear someone say something about someone else—careful to make sure it’s the truth before we spread it around to others.”
“Exactly!” Sydney said.
“And we also have to remember that our words have power,” Kate said thoughtfully. “Whether it’s a rumor…or mean words or even nice words. Our words make a difference to others.”
“The Bible says the power of life and death is in the tongue,” Sydney said. “I read that just last week. Our words will either build others up or tear them down.”
“Well, I’m going to be a builder-upper, then!” Kate said with a smile. “I’m gonna watch every word that comes out of my mouth so that others won’t be hurt.”
Sydney nodded. “I’m going to do the same. And we can send an e-mail to Bailey and McKenzie and the others to let them know we’re going to be a rumor-free group!”
“Ooh! Maybe we should print up some T-shirts!” Kate said. “They could say ‘You AND ME, RUMOR FREE’!” Sydney laughed. “Great idea!”
As they made their way up the stairs to join the adults, all three chanted in unison, “Rumor Free! You and Me!”
Supersleuths Forever!
On the morning after Sydney tossed the opening pitch at the Phillies game, Kate’s mother drove the girls to the train station. All along the way they laughed and talked, reliving all of the fun they’d had over the past two weeks. Kate could hardly believe so much had happened…and in such a short time. It felt like months had flown by, not weeks!
“Remember when you thought bases were place mats?” Sydney asked.
“Yes.” Kate gave her a sheepish grin.
“And you thought the field was a court?” Sydney continued.
“I remember, I remember.” Kate groaned, feeling more embarrassed than ever. “I’ll be the first to admit, I didn’t know anything about baseball back then.”
“But you sure do now! And you were a lot of fun at last night’s game. You even cheered in the right places!” Sydney said. After a pause, she gave Kate a funny look and asked, “So…do you like it?”
“Like it? Like what?” Kate asked.
“Like baseball!” Sydney laughed. “Are you starting to like the game?”
“Are you kidding?” Kate giggled. “I’m already thinking of an article I can add to our Phillies site. I’m going to keep it going, you know. And the Camp Club Girls will help.” Her heart swelled with excitement. “I can’t believe I actually like a sport.” She laughed. “How funny is that?”
“Pretty funny!” her mother said from the front seat. “But it might interest you to know that I played tennis in college.”
“What?” Kate sat straight up in her seat. “Why didn’t you ever tell me about that?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” her mother said with a shrug. “Just never came up, I guess. I was also on the swim team in high school. I’ve always enjoyed sports.”
“Well, go figure!” Kate said. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” She got tickled by that statement and started laughing. Before long, she and Sydney were all giggles…until they arrived at the train station. Then their laughter quickly turned to sadness.
“I can’t believe you have to go back home,” Kate said, giving her friend a hug. “I don’t want you to leave! I’m going to miss you so much!”
“I know,” Sydney agreed. “Me, too! But I need to get home to my mom. It’s not easy on her, now that my dad’s not there.”
“I know.” Kate gave her friend another hug. “Oh, but promise me we’ll see each other again really soon. Promise?”
“Promise!” Sydney said, flashing a broad smile. “We’re the Camp Club Girls, remember!”
“Supersleuths forever!” Kate shouted with glee.
“Supersleuths forever!” Sydney echoed.
She then looked at Kate with a twinkle in her eyes, and together they added one last line, just for fun! “Rumor Free!
You and Me!”